Money Network
Employee Paycards: 100% Electronic Payments
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The Money Network Service gives employees the freedom and flexibility needed to access and manage wages on-demand.
Employees Want Payroll Cards
82% Say working for a company that offers payroll card is a major benefit
76% Like an employer more for offering a payroll card
73% Would look for employer that offers payroll card, when looking for next job
88% Say payroll cards save time vs having to cash a check
Source: Payroll Card survey study was commissioned by Visa and conducted by independent quantitative research firm Ipsos. Loyalty among 815 payroll card owners in the US in May 2017
The Money Network® Service Can Help
Simplify Your Payroll Process and Provide Employees with Choice. You’ll have the ability to achieve 100% electronic pay, thus reducing the costs and administration associated with issuing paper checks.